Micromedex Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer [Internet]. Truven Health Analytics; 1974-2016. Chymopapain (Injection route) kye-moe-pa-PAY-in Brand Name(s) In Canada: Chymodiactin Dosage…
Spinal Disk (Intervertebral Disc) A circular piece of cushioning tissue situated between each vertebrae of the spine. Each disk has a strong…
Slipped Disk (Herniated Disc) A potentially painful problem in which the hard outer coating of the disk is damaged, allowing the disk’s…
ArthritisIMedical Dictionary
Intervertebral Disc (see Spinal Disk)
by explainingmedicine June 13, 2016Spinal Disk (Intervertebral Disc) A circular piece of cushioning tissue situated between each vertebrae of the spine. Each disk has a strong…