ear canal
ear canal
AllergiesBlood PressureHeartMedicationsP
Pentamycetin Ophthalmic Solution 0.25% (see Chloramphenicol)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Micromedex Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer [Internet]. Truven Health Analytics; 1974-2016. Chloramphenicol (Otic route) klor-am-FEN-i-kol Brand Name(s) In Canada: Chloromycetin, Sopamycetin…
Pediotic (see Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Hydrocortisone)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear) nee-oh-MYE-sin SUL-fate, pol-ee-MIX-in B SUL-fate, hye-droe-KOR-ti-sone Treats infections of the ear canal and helps provide relief from…
Pediotic (see Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear) nee-oh-MYE-sin SUL-fate, pol-ee-MIX-in B SUL-fate, hye-droe-KOR-ti-sone Treats infections of the ear canal and helps provide relief from…
Oti-Sone (see Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear) nee-oh-MYE-sin SUL-fate, pol-ee-MIX-in B SUL-fate, hye-droe-KOR-ti-sone Treats infections of the ear canal and helps provide relief from…
Oticot Hc (see Acetic Acid/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Acetic Acid/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear) hye-droe-KOR-ti-sone, a-SEE-tik AS-id Treats ear infections. Drug classes Anti-Infective/Anti-Inflammatory Combination (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses…
Oti-Sone (see Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Hydrocortisone)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Neomycin/Polymyxin B/Hydrocortisone (Into the ear) nee-oh-MYE-sin SUL-fate, pol-ee-MIX-in B SUL-fate, hye-droe-KOR-ti-sone Treats infections of the ear canal and helps provide relief from…
Ofloxacin (Into the ear) oh-FLOX-a-sin Treats middle ear infections and outer ear infections (“swimmer’s ear”). Drug classes Antibacterial (About this – PubMed…