Rimexolone (Into the eye) ri-MEX-oh-lone Treats inflammation that may occur after eye surgery. Also treats anterior uveitis (inflammation occurring in the front…
Ratio-Ipratropium (see Ipratropium (By breathing))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Ipratropium (By breathing) ip-ra-TROE-pee-um BROE-mide Treats chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Also prevents asthma attacks. Drug classes Bronchodilator (About this – PubMed…
AsthmaBlood PressureDepressionDiabetesHeartMedicationsRThyroid
Ratio-Ipra Sal Udv (see Ipratropium/Albuterol (By breathing))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Ipratropium/Albuterol (By breathing) ip-ra-TROE-pee-um BROE-mide, al-BUE-ter-ol SUL-fate Treats chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Drug classes Bronchodilator (About this – PubMed Health) Uses…
Cysteamine (Into the eye) sis-TEE-a-meen Treats cystine crystal buildup in the cornea of patients who have cystinosis. Drug classes Ophthalmologic Agent (About…
Acyclovir (Between cheek and gum) ay-SYE-kloe-vir Treats cold sores. This medicine is an antiviral. Drug classes Antiviral (About this – PubMed Health)…
Micromedex Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer [Internet]. Truven Health Analytics; 1974-2016. Chlorhexidine (Oral route) klor-HEX-i-deen Brand Name(s) In the US: Paroex,…
Oravig (see Miconazole (Between cheek and gum))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Miconazole (Between cheek and gum) mye-KON-a-zole Treats fungal (yeast) infections in the mouth and throat (oral thrush). This is an antifungal. Drug…