Rituximab (By injection) (Rituxan)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Rituximab (By injection) ri-TUX-i-mab Treats rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Wegener granulomatosis, and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA). Also treats cancer, including lymphoma and leukemia. Drug…
Rite Aid Allergy Relief (see Fexofenadine (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Fexofenadine (By mouth) fex-oh-FEN-a-deen Treats hay fever symptoms and chronic skin hives and itching. Drug classes Respiratory Agent (About this – PubMed…
Rheumatrex Dose Pack (see Methotrexate (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Methotrexate (By mouth) meth-oh-TREX-ate Treats several kinds of cancer, including cancer of the blood, bone, lung, breast, head, or neck. Also treats…
Rho(D) Immune Globulin (By injection) (RhoGAM Ultra-Filtered Plus)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Brand names include HyperRHO S/D, MICRhoGAM Ultra-Filtered Plus, RhoGAM Ultra-Filtered Plus, Rhophylac, Winrho SDF Drug classes About this Immune Serum Rho(D) Immune…
ReadySharp-P40 (see Methylprednisolone)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Methylprednisolone (By injection) meth-il-pred-NIS-oh-lone Treats inflammation, severe allergies, flare-ups of ongoing illnesses, and many other medical problems. May also be used to…
ReadySharp-P80 (see Methylprednisolone (By injection))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Methylprednisolone (By injection) meth-il-pred-NIS-oh-lone Treats inflammation, severe allergies, flare-ups of ongoing illnesses, and many other medical problems. May also be used to…
Rasuvo (see Methotrexate)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Methotrexate (By injection) meth-oh-TREX-ate Treats rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and cancer. Drug classes Antineoplastic Agent, Antipsoriatic, Antirheumatic, Antirheumatic, Cytotoxic (About this – PubMed…