Primary Headaches Headaches that occur on their own with no detectable underlying cause, such as migraine. Part of: Headache About Primary Headaches…
Neurons (Nerve Cells) A type of cell that receives and sends messages from the body to the brain and back to the…
Interneurons Most generally any neurons which are not motor or sensory. Related terms: Connector neurons, Intercalary neurons, Internuncial neurons, Internuncial cells Part…
ACancerMedical Dictionary
Axon Terminals (see Synaptic Terminals)
by explainingmedicine June 13, 2016Synaptic Terminals (Axon Terminals) An area at the end of an that contains . Related terms: Synaptic boutons, Presynaptic knobs, Presynaptic terminals…
Adrenaline Hormone A and . Also called . Part of: , , , This is made by the . Read more about…