Rytary (see Carbidopa/Levodopa (By mouth))
Carbidopa/Levodopa (By mouth) kar-bi-DOE-pa, lee-voe-DOE-pa Treats symptoms of Parkinson disease. Drug classes Antiparkinsonian (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This…
Carbidopa/Levodopa (By mouth) kar-bi-DOE-pa, lee-voe-DOE-pa Treats symptoms of Parkinson disease. Drug classes Antiparkinsonian (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This…
Ropinirole (By mouth) roe-PIN-i-role Treats Parkinson disease and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Drug classes Antiparkinsonian (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses…
Rotigotine (Absorbed through the skin) roe-TIG-oh-teen Treats symptoms of Parkinson disease, such as jerky muscle movements, muscle stiffness, and slow movement. Also…
Risperidone (By injection) ris-PER-i-done Treats schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Drug classes Antipsychotic (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This Medicine…
Risperidone (By injection) ris-PER-i-done Treats schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Drug classes Antipsychotic (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This Medicine…
Risperidone (By mouth) ris-PER-i-done Treats schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and irritability caused by autistic disorder. Drug classes Antipsychotic (About this – PubMed Health)…
Brexpiprazole (By mouth) brex-PIP-ra-zole Treats schizophrenia and depression. Drug classes Antipsychotic (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This Medicine Brexpiprazole…
Metoclopramide (By mouth) met-oh-KLOE-pra-mide Relieves symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Also relieves symptoms of gastroparesis in patients with diabetes. Drug classes…