AsthmaBlood PressureCancerDepressionHeartMedicationsRSleep
Rytary (see Carbidopa/Levodopa (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Carbidopa/Levodopa (By mouth) kar-bi-DOE-pa, lee-voe-DOE-pa Treats symptoms of Parkinson disease. Drug classes Antiparkinsonian (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This…
Rite Aid Vitamin C (see Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) (By mouth) as-KORE-bik AS-id Helps patients who do not have enough vitamin C in the body. It is…
Rite Aid Lansoprazole (see Lansoprazole (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Lansoprazole (By mouth) lan-SOE-pra-zole Treats stomach ulcers, a damaged esophagus, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and high levels of stomach acid. This medicine…
Rite Aid Omeprazole (see Omeprazole (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Omeprazole (By mouth) oh-MEP-ra-zole Treats heartburn, a damaged esophagus, stomach ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This medicine is a proton pump…
Rite Aid Omeprazole and Sodium Bicarbonate (see Omeprazole/Sodium Bicarbonate (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Omeprazole/Sodium Bicarbonate (By mouth) oh-MEP-ra-zole, SOE-dee-um bye-KAR-bo-nate Treats heartburn, stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and a damaged esophagus. Also helps prevent…
Rite Aid Children’s Chewable Vitamins With Iron (see Vitamin Combination with Iron, Pediatric Formula (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Brand names include Animal Shapes Plus Iron, Chewable Vite w/Iron, Children’s Chewable Vite with Iron, Good Neighbor Pharmacy Animal Shapes with Iron,…
Risedronate (By mouth) ris-e-DROE-nate Treats or prevents osteoporosis. Also treats Paget disease of the bone. Drug classes Calcium Regulator (About this –…