AsthmaBlood PressureCancerDepressionHeartMedicationsRSleep
Rytary (see Carbidopa/Levodopa (By mouth))
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Carbidopa/Levodopa (By mouth) kar-bi-DOE-pa, lee-voe-DOE-pa Treats symptoms of Parkinson disease. Drug classes Antiparkinsonian (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This…
Blood PressureCancerHeartMedicationsMental HealthRSleep
Ropinirole (By mouth) (Requip XL)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Ropinirole (By mouth) roe-PIN-i-role Treats Parkinson disease and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Drug classes Antiparkinsonian (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses…
AsthmaBlood PressureHeartMedicationsRSleep
Rotigotine (Absorbed through the skin)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Rotigotine (Absorbed through the skin) roe-TIG-oh-teen Treats symptoms of Parkinson disease, such as jerky muscle movements, muscle stiffness, and slow movement. Also…
Rivastigmine (Absorbed through the skin)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Rivastigmine (Absorbed through the skin) riv-a-STIG-meen Treats dementia. Drug classes Central Nervous System Agent (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of…
Rivastigmine (By mouth) riv-a-STIG-meen Treats dementia. Drug classes Central Nervous System Agent (About this – PubMed Health) Uses Uses of This Medicine…
AllergiesAsthmaBlood PressureCancerDepressionDiabetesHeartMedicationsRSleep
Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide (Oral route)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Micromedex Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer [Internet]. Truven Health Analytics; 1974-2016. Reserpine, Hydralazine, and Hydrochlorothiazide (Oral route) re-SER-peen, hye-DRAL-a-zeen hye-droe-KLOR-ide, hye-droe-klor-oh-THYE-a-zide…
Blood PressureCancerDepressionDiabetesHeartMedicationsR
Reglan (see Metoclopramide)
by explainingmedicine June 21, 2016Metoclopramide (By injection) met-oh-KLOE-pra-mide Treats and prevents nausea and vomiting after surgery or cancer treatments. Relieves nausea, vomiting, and heartburn caused by…