We’re always told that balance is the key to just about everything, but we’re also told that multi-tasking is required. The reality is that less than one person of people can actually multi-task. Everyone else is just jumping from one task to another and with limited success.
Fortunately, there are habits you can employ to increase balance in your life, and it doesn’t always require a major sacrifice. Remember that balance is about ensuring that you don’t spend too much time in a particular aspect of your life—no matter how healthy it may seem. Obsessing over anything, from relationships to exercise, can have detrimental results.
Here are a few tips to achieve better work/life balance when our culture demands nothing but success:
Balancing life and work is getting blurry since many people are basically working around the clock. Learn to set boundaries. Do you really need to answer that 2 a.m. email? Probably not, because it’s eating into your life—and it’s time to reclaim some balance.
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